Aurora Yu

Aurora is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in philosophy, writing a dissertation on the natural philosophies of Aristotle and Descartes. In addition, she has a project in progress on Émilie Du Châtelet’s Principle of Sufficient Reason.

Jesse Conen

Jesse Conen is a sophomore at Duke University from Bryn Mawr, PA pursuing a degree in Political Science with a minor in German to go along with a Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) certificate. He enjoys playing and watching soccer, traveling, and listing out his favorite songs and films. His favorite philosophical topics are moral ontology and […]

Niso Nahmiyas

Niso Nahmiyas

Niso is a junior at Duke majoring in International Comparative Studies with a focus in the Middle East, and is also pursuing the Philosophy, Politics & Economics certificate. He is joining the Project Vox team after returning from a semester abroad in Jerusalem.

Michael Veldman

Michael Veldman

Michael is a PhD candidate in philosophy, writing a dissertation on how the brilliant mathematician and polymath Leonhard Euler shaped physics and philosophy in the eighteenth century. When not reading Euler, he studies Émilie Du Châtelet, and is currently at work on a translation of her Dissertation on the Nature and Propagation of Fire.

Shreya Joshi

Shreya Joshi

Shreya Joshi is an undergraduate at Duke University majoring in History, with a minor in Cultural Anthropology. She is also a candidate for the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics certificate.

Lilia Qian

Lilia Qian

Lilia Qian is an undergraduate at Duke University majoring in philosophy and economics with a minor in English. She currently works with the research team on Madame Germaine de Staël.

Patrick Duan

Patrick Duan was part of the research team for Tullia d’Aragona.

Karen Nielsen

Karen Nielsen is a rising senior studying ethics and leadership with a concentration in philosophy. Her first interactions with Project Vox were through a class with Prof. Janiak. She is working with Junyi Tao on creating data visualizations for philosopher networks.

Kelsey Brod

Kelsey Brod is a multimedia artist, writer, technofeminist, and PhD candidate in Duke’s Computational Media, Arts and Cultures program. Her/their dissertation works to reframe the aesthetics, formulation, and measure of computational performance. Kelsey is currently project manager for the 2022 Story+ visualization project.

Junyi Tao

Junyi Tao is an undergraduate researcher majoring in Interdisciplinary Study of Data Science. Her research focuses on knowledge retrieval, representation, and reasoning, aiming to bridge humanities and data science. Her role in Project Vox is to construct, visualize, and analyze knowledge networks of philosophers and philosophical ideas with Karen Nielsen. She is also working on […]

Julia Shenot

Julia Shenot

Julia Shenot is an undergraduate majoring in Philosophy, with interests in metaphysics and philosophy of religion, and minoring in History and Religious Studies. She is currently working on the Poetry and Philosophy research team.

Zoé Murphy

Zoé Murphy is an undergraduate student double majoring in International Comparative Studies with a focus on China and Europe and Public Policy. She is currently working on the Feasibility team.

Caimiao Liu

Caimiao Liu is an undergraduate student at Duke studying psychology, sociology, and philosophy. She is especially concerned with the underrepresentation of females in daily life. She is currently part of the research team.

Emilie Menzel

Emilie Menzel

As an arts and humanities librarian, Emilie Menzel supports libraries as active sites of information creation and librarians as conduits for interdisciplinary collaboration and creativity. She works with Duke University Libraries as the teaching resources analyst for Project Vox and with The Seventh Wave as a research and instruction librarian. Additionally, she is a poet […]

Francesca Magario Wadlington

Francesca Magario Wadlington is a PhD student in the department of Romance Studies at Duke University. Her main research focuses on Southern European Modernism and the concurrent emergence of metaliterary production in countries such as Italy, Spain, and Portugal. She was the social media manager on the Outreach & Assessment team.

Francisco Banda

Francisco Banda is an undergraduate student at Duke University, where he is double majoring in Psychology and Philosophy. He is interested in psychotherapy as well as pursuing questions of ethics and existentialism. He helped with the Outreach and Assessment team.

Leeloo Gilet

Leeloo Gilet is an undergraduate student at Duke University. She helped Project Vox with research on Mary Shepherd

Anna Twiddy

Anna Twiddy is a library science master’s student at UNC-Chapel Hill and an intern at Duke University Libraries. She is a member of Project Vox’s Outreach & Assessment Team.

Alyssa Granacki

Alyssa Granacki is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Romance Studies, teaching courses on Italian literature and feminist thought. Her research interests include medieval and Renaissance literature, women writers, and history of philosophy. She is currently part of the research team.