Teaching Materials

Explore assignments, discussion questions, activities, lesson plans, and more that bring early modern women philosophers into the classroom. Click any catalog entry for more information about the resource. All resources can be downloaded by clicking the image of the file within the resource catalog entry. See the below suggested searches for ways to filter the table to find exactly the resources you’re seeking. You can view a full screen version of the table in a new window here.

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Suggested Searches

Material Type

  • Filter the teaching resources based on the type of resource you need: assignments, discussion questions, lesson plans, etc. For example: to show only assignments, click filter, then add condition “where Material Type has any of,” and then select Assignment.

Included Philosophers

  • Discover resources that explicitly focus on specific philosophers. For example: to find teaching resources particularly about Princess Elisabeth, click filter, then add condition “where Included Philosophers has any of,” and then select Princess Elisabeth. You can also use the search bar in the top right corner of the table to search the name of the philosopher of interest; this will highlight syllabi that include this philosopher.

Time Commitment

  • View teaching resources tailored to the amount of time you have to fill and the scale of activity you’re seeking. For example: to show teaching resources that can be run over the stretch of a full semester, click filter, then add condition “where Time Commitment has any of,” and then select Semester.