Philosopher Pairings

Discover Project Vox philosophers that easily integrate into your existing courses and lesson plans. Explore by recommended pairings with other philosophers, by philosophical discipline areas, and by philosophical themes. See the below suggested searches for ways to filter the table to find exactly the philosopher you’re seeking. Click any catalog entry for more information. You can view a full screen version of the table in a new window here.

Suggested Searches

Philosopher Pairings

  • Filter the table to show Project Vox philosophers that are in conversation with philosophers you are already teaching. For example: to show Project Vox philosophers that pair well with a lesson on Descartes, click filter, then add condition “where Philosopher Pairing has any of,” and then select Descartes.

By Philosophical Discipline

  • Filter the table to show Project Vox philosophers whose work would fit well with Philosophy courses of specific areas, such as Ethics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. For example: to show Project Vox philosophers whose work falls within the discipline of Ethics, click filter, then add condition “where Topic has any of,” and then select Ethics.

By Themes

  • Filter the table to show Project Vox philosophers whose work engages deeply with the philosophical themes you are planning to cover in your course or lesson. For example: to show Project Vox philosophers whose work engages with the theme of Education, click filter, then add condition “where Theme has any of,” and then select Education.