Partners & Funding


Duke University Libraries

Project Vox is made possible through a close partnership with Duke University Libraries. Duke University Libraries have been a key partner with Project Vox, providing resources, staff and expertise, and guidance since the project’s inception in 2014. Its strongest ally has been the Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services department, which provides tactical and technical leadership for the project, mentors and trains this publication’s sizable student team, and helps facilitate work with Libraries staff in other departments, including the Humanities & Social Sciences, International & Area Studies, the ScholarWorks Center, and the Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture. This project was also featured in an inaugural course for Archives Alive, a curricular initiative co-sponsored by Duke University’s Trinity College of Arts & Sciences and the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

We also work closely with the following organizations and projects, to further our mutual interests in disseminating scholarship and resources on previously marginalized philosophers.

Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy

Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy is a cross-institutional, international project to develop new narratives of our philosophical past that centrally include neglected figures. It aims to reconfigure, enrich and reinvigorate the philosophical canon. Funding is provided in part by a multi-year Partnership grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The international team is led by Lisa Shapiro (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, McGill University), who also serves on the Project Vox Advisory Board.

Oxford New Histories of Philosophy

This series intends to have a major impact on how philosophy is taught and practiced in the English-speaking world. As professional philosophers grapple with the scarcity of women and people of color in their discipline, and as teachers of philosophy struggle to design courses that speak to their students’ diverse interests, there is a palpable need for change. By making long-lost readings available, the books in the New Histories of Philosophy series will help instructors rethink their standard courses and speak to a new generation of students eager to discover the full breadth and variety of philosophy.


We are grateful to the following individuals and groups for generously funding Project Vox. Anyone who would like to offer personal financial support may do so through the following link:

American Council of Learned Societies

The American Council of Learned Societies funded archival research that helped us in gathering and incorporating information on individual philosophers.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Creation of Project Vox (2014-2016) was made possible by Duke University’s Humanities Writ Large initiative,, a program funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Duke University

A number of Project Vox’s staff and activities have been funded through Duke University. Archival research that informed the site was supported by the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation and by the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Faculty Research. This project has also received funding from the Offices of the Vice Provost for Research, Dean of Arts and Sciences, and the Kenan Institute for Ethics. Project Vox has also received multiple years of funding as a Bass Connections project (through both the Education & Human Development and the Open Channel themes). Numerous undergraduate students have worked with Project Vox, helping conduct research and translate philosophical writings and correspondence. We would like to especially thank Library Advisory Board member (and former philosophy major) Ralph Levene for his contribution to funding our work.

The National Endowment for the Humanities

The National Endowment for the Humanities funded an international conference at Duke University in April 2016, New Narratives in Philosophy: Rediscovering neglected works by early modern women, bringing together philosophy instructors and scholars to explore these women’s ideas, consider them alongside those of their contemporaries, and discuss how to incorporate their philosophical writings into philosophy instruction.

Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada

Sub-awards from a multi-year Partnership grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, led by Lisa Shapiro (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, McGill University), help to fund activities and personnel of Project Vox.