Carolina Iribarren

Carolina Iribarren

Carolina Iribarren was raised in Caracas, Venezuela. She is currently a PhD student at the Comparative Literature department at Emory University. She completed her BA in literature and philosophy at Cornell University in 2015 and joined Duke’s Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies in 2017. She is interested in early modern philosophy, feminist […]

Meredith Graham

Meredith Graham is an Associate in Research at Duke University. In this role, she is responsible for coordinating and implementing outreach and assessment for the Project Vox team and the SSHRC grant partners. She previously served as the team’s Outreach & Assessment Coordinator (2017–2019) and the Project Manager (2019–2020). Meredith graduated with her PhD in […]

Aliza Gersing

Aliza Gersing earned her undergraduate degree in philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She has a special interest in broader philosophical application as well as religion and ethics. For Project Vox, Aliza worked on the research on Princess Elizabeth.

Beatriz Wallace

Beatriz Wallace earned her MFA at Duke University, where she was a research assistant in the Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Services department. She studies JavaScript, color theory, typography, painting, illustration, Discrete Math and Data Visualization. She worked as a Project Manager and helped design the initial Project Vox website.

Arpita Varghese

Arpita Varghese is currently the Gender and Humanities Action Analyst for UN Women. She completed her BA in Global Studies at Duke University in 2015, and her MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy at the University of Oxford. While at Duke, Arpita assisted Project Vox with various research on women philosophers.

Jesús Hidalgo

Jesús Hidalgo is currently a teaching assistant at the Spanish & Portuguese department at University of Washington. He received his master’s degree in the Romance Studies Department at Duke University, where he has taught Spanish classes at Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. He helped promote Project Vox by running a conference in Spring of 2016.

Nele Fritz

Nele Fritz received a BA in Library Science at TH Köln–University of Technology, Arts and Sciences, Cologne, Germany, and a master’s degree in library and information studies from University of North Carolina, Greensboro. From September 2015 to February 2016 she worked as an intern at Duke University Libraries to gain experience in academic librarianship. She […]

Joe Fletcher

Joseph Fletcher has a PhD in English Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is currently a Teaching Assistant Professor, and a certificate in the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Medicine at Duke University. He helped the research team on Project Vox.

Abigail Flanigan

Abigail Flanigan is a research librarian for music and the performing arts at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. She helped develop the publishing flow and ISSN for Project Vox and helped assessed impact.

Veronika Sladká

Veronika Sladká completed her BA in the History of Philosophy and European History at Charles University, and is currently working on her PhD in book history. She helped research for Project Vox.

Tae Markey

Tae Markey earned her undergraduate degree at Duke University. She majored in Philosophy and led the Undergraduate Philosophy Club. Tae worked with Project Vox on the research team translating Émilie du Châtelet.

Jonathan Lee

Jonathan Lee is the artist behind the Project Vox logo and branding. He manages web presences and assets for the Duke University Office of News and Communications.

Olivia Branscum

Olivia Branscum graduated from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with double majors in Philosophy and Studio Art in 2015. While at UNC, Olivia managed the university’s student-run radio station for two years, and remained active in community radio in the area. She worked as Lead Researcher and Outreach & Assessment for Project Vox. […]

Adam Griggs

Adam Griggs is a Research Services Librarian at Mercer University. He holds an MA in Philosophy from The New School and in Information and Library Science at UNC Chapel Hill. As a Field Experience Intern with Duke University’s Digital Scholarship Services, he worked as an assessment analyst to measure the scholarly impact of Project Vox.

Adela Deanova

Adela Deanova earned her Masters in Philosophy at Duke University, writing a dissertation on the natural philosophy of Robert Boyle and John Locke, and Cavendish’s critique of Boyle and Hooke. She is fluent in French and worked on a translation of the Masham-Leibniz correspondence into English. She worked with Project Vox as Lead Researcher and […]

Liz Crisenbery

Liz Crisenbery is a PhD candidate in musicology at Duke University. Her dissertation explores the intersection of gender, politics, and music in fascist Italy, examining masculine identities of fascist composers and reception of their operas. She was the project manager and managing editor for Project Vox.

Roy Auh

Roy Auh earned his undergraduate degree in philosophy, literature, and music at Duke University. For Project Vox, he was the Lead Researcher for Princess Elisabeth and Anna Maria van Schurman. He is currently the Outreach and Assessment Coordinator.